Careers & Experiential Learning
Career Services
2410 WSC
E-mail: byucareerservices@byu.edu
Website: https://careers.byu.edu
Career Services seeks to empower BYU students to achieve their career goals through providing support in career preparation, networking, job or internship searches, and connections with employers. Students will find mentored assistance with career exploration, resumes, mock interviews, networking, online profiles, and for access to other career related resources. Each college on campus has experienced career directors who provide individualized career coaching and assistance connecting with industry professionals and opportunities, including treks to visit professional environments. Several career directors are physically housed in the colleges they serve (Engineering, Math & Science, Life Science) in addition to those in the Wilkinson Center. Students may log into Handshake at handshake.byu.edu to gain access to hundreds of employers who recruit BYU students through on-campus career fairs, interviews, information sessions, networking events, and job and internship postings.
Career Services: Career Studio
2590 WSC
E-mail: byucareerservices@byu.edu
Website: https://careers.byu.edu
Career Services offers drop-in, no-appointment-necessary services in the Career Studio. Students can actively work on developing their career paths and professional documents with experienced career mentors who will guide them through the process. Students may take as much time as needed to get the help that they require. The Career Studio offers the following services: resume reviews, career options conversations, mock interviews, networking/LinkedIn help, assistance with Handshake profiles, and access to other career-related resources. The Career Studio operates Monday-Friday 8:00-5:00.
Experiential Learning and Internships
5435 HBLL
E-mail: internship@byu.edu and experience@byu.edu
Website: http://experience.byu.edu
The office of Experiential Learning and Internships seeks to elevate the quality of experiential learning by developing inspired learners and mentors who will go forward into a lifetime of learning and service. This is achieved by helping students implement a learning cycle of intention, integration, and reflection. Learning is greater when students:
Develop personal learning outcomes
Integrate professional skills into experiential learning opportunities
Reflect and identify long-term applications or next steps
This process teaches students how to learn through experience. It is how students learn to seek, recognize and act upon inspiration to form a foundation for lifelong learning. Ultimately, we seek to increase capacity among our students to demonstrate the ability to learn skills, competencies, and habits of lifelong learning.
Internships provide an opportunity for skill development, perspective, mentored supervision, professional connections, and the ability to apply the academic learning occurring on campus. The internship experience is an opportunity for undergraduates to confirm they are on an academic path that suits their talents, abilities and interests. The office oversees department internship programs to assure that students and faculty are compliant with the university internship policy and legal obligations with internship providers.
Students seeking academic credit for internships must receive prior department and university approval and complete formal registration before commencing. Course offerings vary according to student and program needs. Registration in a department's 199R, 299R, 399R, 496R, 599R, or 688R course is required for internship credit. Individual departments specify course numbers for clinical, practicum, or other applied, experiential learning courses. Credit varies, generally ranging from 0.5 to 12 credit hours. Grades are based on both academic and work-related accomplishments.