Students who encounter a non-academic emergency or circumstance affecting the academic record may submit a petition asking for an exception to university policy by providing justification and documentation to support the request. Possible requests may include adding or withdrawing from a class after the respective deadlines, adding challenge exam credit, or extending an incomplete contract deadline beyond one year from the end of the semester.
Situations that may not be petitioned through the Registrar's Office are:
Reinstatement after being deleted for nonpayment of tuition (see Enrollment Services, D-155 ASB)
Removal of transfer credit from a transcript
Verification that a student is full time if they are not.
Any petitions for exceptions to academic records policies must be submitted to the Registrar's Office within one year from the semester or term in question.
Petition forms and additional information concerning petitions may be obtained at the Registrar's Office (B-150 ASB) or at https://petitions.byu.edu.