Financial Aid & Scholarships
Financial Aid Office
D-155 ASB
(801) 422-4104
BYU offers financial aid from various federal, state, and university programs in the form of grants, scholarships, and loans. The Financial Aid Office coordinates these financial aid programs and assists students in identifying the financial resources for which they might qualify. Because the number of students applying for financial assistance usually exceeds the funds available through university programs, the distribution of financial aid at BYU is based on an assessment of the student's and family's financial need, although there are some exceptions, including BYU short-term loans and academic, performance, talent, and athletic scholarships.
The process of determining a student's eligibility for federal financial aid is called need analysis. During need analysis, student's and parent's income and asset information is examined to determine the family's ability to contribute toward educational costs. This figure, called the Expected Family Contribution (EFC), is subtracted from the approximate cost for the student to attend BYU for a specific length of time (typically, one academic year). If the cost of attendance is more than the family can contribute, the student has demonstrated financial need.
BYU uses the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) to determine a student's EFC. All students applying for federal financial aid must complete this form. To reduce the chance of delays, students and their parents are encouraged to read instructions carefully, complete all forms correctly, and submit any requested documents in a timely manner.
Enrollment Services Counselors are available and eager to assist with the application process, and can be reached by calling 801-422-4104.
Eligibility Requirements
Applicants for federal financial aid (Federal Pell Grants, Federal Direct Subsidized and Unsubsidized Loans, and Federal Direct PLUS Loans) must be U.S. citizens, permanent residents or eligible non-citizens. In addition, students must maintain satisfactory academic progress to have federal financial aid disbursed to them.
Students who have a baccalaureate degree and are returning to receive a teaching certificate may also apply for Federal Direct Subsidized and Unsubsidized Loans if they have a cumulative 2.0 GPA and are admitted to the teacher licensure program. In addition, post-baccalaureate students may be eligible for Federal Direct Subsidized and Unsubsidized loans if they are enrolled in prerequisite courses for admission to a graduate program.
Rules and regulations governing the disbursement of federal financial aid are subject to change. Contact the Financial Aid Office if you have additional questions regarding your eligibility for financial assistance.
All financial aid is administered in compliance with BYU's nondiscrimination policy, which can be found at https://policy.byu.edu/view/nondiscrimination-and-equal-opportunity-policy.
Brigham Young University offers scholarships to select students on the basis of various factors, including academic excellence and financial need, as an investment in their education. Scholarship funds are provided through the tithes of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints and the offerings of generous individuals. They are given to encourage continued commitment to spiritual and intellectual growth. The gift of a scholarship assumes an obligation on the part of the recipient to use that investment to prepare for expanded and purposeful service in families, communities, and the world. We endorse the principle of replenishment and invite all to make a similar investment in someone else's future by contributing to the university's scholarship programs when in a financial position to do so.
Although the contributions of the Church and others have been generous, funds are still insufficient to award all students. Consequently, policies and procedures have been established to better ensure fairness in awarding available scholarship funds consistent with the university's aims and donors' wishes.
For additional information about our policies and procedures, please contact the Financial Aid Office:
A-41 ASB
Provo, UT
Telephone: (801) 422-4104
E-mail: scholarships@byu.edu
Web: https://enrollment.byu.edu/scholarships
The majority of BYU scholarships are awarded to students based on academic merit and financial need. After the scholarship application deadline, students are ranked by their academic performance and financial need. Beginning at the top of the ranked order, scholarships are awarded until funds are exhausted.
BYU scholarships are not renewable, and most are awarded for two semesters only unless otherwise specified. To receive future consideration, students must reapply every year by the appropriate deadline. Applicants must also officially declare a major by the end of their sophomore year.
Alumni Association
Generations of BYU students have benefited from the generous support of the Church and private individuals. With that support they have received a first-rate education that has helped them "go forth to serve." Part of that service includes providing for the education of future generations.
Applicants for the Alumni Replenishment Grant are considered based on need and other criteria along with a moral commitment to repay the amount of the grant, so that future students can receive and continue such financial assistance.
Alumni Association Replenishment
The Alumni Association Replenishment Grant is available to junior, senior, and graduate students whose total cost of education may not be met through other financial aid programs. Scholarships are awarded annually in amounts equal to half or full LDS tuition. The scholarship recipients will be asked to replenish the fund once they are in a financial position to do so.
To be considered, both the cumulative and BYU GPA must be at least 3.0 by the end of fall semester. Applicants must also demonstrate financial need and be willing to replenish the scholarship fund at a later date. To apply, complete the online scholarship application available through myBYU, including the Financial Need section as well as the Alumni Replenishment Grants section.
Alumni Association Regional Replenishment
Several chapters of the BYU Alumni Association offer replenishment grants to students whose permanent residence lies within their boundaries.
To apply, complete the online scholarship application available through myBYU, including the Financial Need section as well the Alumni Regional Replenishment Grants section.
The university awards grants-in-aid to outstanding athletes who qualify under conference and NCAA rules and regulations.
For program applications, deadlines, and additional information, apply directly to the coach of the sport in which you wish to participate or contact Intercollegiate Athletics:
331 SAB
Provo, UT
Telephone: (801) 422-2046
E-mail: athletics@byu.edu
College and Departmental
In addition to the scholarship programs described in this bulletin, other private scholarships are available through the colleges and some departments. Students can check with their college or department for additional information and applications.
International students are eligible to apply for academic scholarships as new incoming freshmen, former or continuing students. Transfer students must complete a minimum of 12.0 credits of regular course work before they are eligible to be considered for academic scholarships offered by the Financial Aid Office. Scholarships are awarded on a yearly basis. Check the Financial Aid website for scholarship application deadlines.
International Study Programs
The International Study Programs Office offers scholarships and grants to assist undergraduate students participating in its programs. These program discount award amounts vary depending on financial need, GPA, year in school, major, length and type of program, and other pertinent factors.
To apply, students must apply for a program through the ISP website, and complete the ISP Financial Aid portion of that application. All applicants must have a minimum 3.0 GPA, as well as a current FAFSA on file with BYU. The FAFSA is found at www.fafsa.ed.gov.
For program applications, deadlines, and additional information on scholarships, please contact International Study Programs:
101 HRCB
Provo, UT
Telephone: 801-422-3686
Email: isp@byu.edu
Website: http://kennedy.byu.edu/isp/.
Jerusalem Center
The Jerusalem Center for Near Eastern Studies offers financial aid to undergraduate students participating in the various Jerusalem Center study programs. This financial aid is administered under the following categories:
Grants are awarded primarily on the basis of financial need. These grants will vary according to the applicant's financial need and the funds available. Individual FAFSA information must be on file at BYU for students to be considered.
Scholarships are awarded primarily on the basis of academic performance and will vary as stated above. A minimum GPA of 3.50 is required to be considered.
For program applications, deadlines, and additional information, contact the Jerusalem Center Office:
101 HCEB
Provo, UT
Telephone: (801) 422-6017
E-mail: jerusalem@byu.edu
Website: http://jerusalemcenter.ce.byu.edu
BYU budgets a number of need-based awards for U.S. citizens, permanent residents, and eligible non-citizens. Each applicant's circumstances and resources are reviewed and evaluated; unfortunately, there is always more need than available funding. Interested students must complete the Financial Need section of the scholarship application available through myBYU, as well as the FAFSA (Free Application for Federal Student Aid), by the appropriate deadline. Dependent and independent students younger than 30 years of age must submit parental information on the FAFSA to receive consideration.
Other Private
Generous friends of the university have contributed a number of private scholarships. Many of these scholarships carry specific stipulations and restrictions. To be considered for these scholarships, complete the online scholarship application available through myBYU, including the Other Scholarships section if applicable.
The following scholarships promote and reward research:
The Undergraduate Scholarship Awards are given to a select number of students in good academic standing—generally juniors and seniors—to fund research projects. To obtain the application instructions and guidelines, deadlines, and additional information, contact the Office of Research and Creative Activities
A-285 ASB
Provo, UT
Telephone: (801) 422-3841
Students should also contact their department and college to learn about other research opportunities and awards.
Both the Army ROTC and the Air Force ROTC offer competitive scholarships to qualified students enrolling in their programs. ROTC scholarship recipients may receive full tuition and fees, or room and board, plus a book allowance each semester. In addition, both scholarship and non-scholarship cadets who are contracted with ROTC receive a monthly stipend [$300 (up to $500) a month as they progress through the program]. For further information and application requirements, contact the Military Science Department (Army ROTC):
320 Wells ROTC Building
Provo, UT
Telephone: (801) 422-7725
E-mail: armyrotc@byu.edu
Or the Aerospace Studies Department (Air Force ROTC):
380 Wells ROTC Building
Provo, UT
Telephone: (801) 422-2671
E-mail: afrotc@byu.edu
Students with Disabilities
Generous donors have established a few private scholarships to assist students with disabilities. Because funds are limited, the Scholarship Committee will consider the nature of the applicant's disability and its impact on his or her ability to function in class and earn a living. Academic performance and financial need will also be considered. Interested students must complete the appropriate section of the scholarship application available through myBYU and submit appropriate current documentation of the disabling condition from a licensed professional to the University Accessibility Center:
2170 WSC
Provo, UT
Telephone: (801) 422-2767
Talent Awards
BYU offers talent awards in the areas of communications, dance, music, theatre and media arts, and art. For these awards, demonstrated talent is a more important criterion than scholastic achievement. Awards range in value from $100 to full tuition for one year. For further information and application materials, contact the appropriate department directly:
Art: Department of Art
E-509 HFAC
Provo, UT
Telephone: (801) 422-2064
E-mail: e509frontdesk@byu.edu
Communications: School of Communications
360 BRMB
Provo, UT
Telephone: (801) 422-2997
E-mail: comms_secretary@byu.edu
Dance: Department of Dance
294 RB
Provo, UT
Telephone: (801) 422-5087
E-mail: dance@byu.edu
Design: Department of Design
E-509 HFAC
Provo, UT
Telephone: (801) 422-7321
E-mail: e509frontdesk@byu.edu
Music: School of Music
C-550 HFAC
Provo, UT
Telephone: (801) 422-6304
E-mail: music@byu.edu
Theatre and Media Arts: Department of Theatre and Media Arts
D-581 HFAC
Provo, UT
Telephone: (801) 422-6645
E-mail: tmasec@byu.edu
General University Scholarship Policies
Students granted university scholarships must do the following to claim their award:
Abide by the Honor Code and adhere to the Dress and Grooming Standards of BYU, and
Register as a full-time student and complete a minimum of 12 credit hours per semester.
Note: Scholarships may be applied to approved International Study Programs and the BYU Jerusalem Center. Scholarships may not be used for Independent Study or Continuing Education courses, BYU-Idaho or BYU-Hawaii courses, audited classes, or credit earned through special examination.
Additional provision:
Students who have received scholarships for a total of eight semesters, excluding spring and summer terms, are ineligible for future fall/winter scholarships through the Financial Aid Office, but may be considered for spring/summer scholarships.
A student claims a scholarship by registering for classes and using the scholarship to pay tuition. If the student then does not attend school or, once enrolled, discontinues, the scholarship will be cancelled and the student will be billed for the appropriate tuition and discontinuance fees. Students who need to discontinue because of illness, injury, or extenuating circumstances should contact Enrollment Services (D-155 ASB) for appropriate action.
Note: Exceptions to these policies may sometimes be granted according to individual needs and circumstances. Students wanting an exception must submit a formal written petition to the Financial Aid Office prior to the necessary change.
Petitions may be submitted to:
D-155 ASB
Provo, UT
E-mail: sch-petitions@byu.edu.
BYU Short-Term Loan
A short-term loan is available to full- or part-time day students or full-time evening students admitted to day school. A student may borrow up to the cost of tuition only and the loan must be repaid during the same semester or term in which the money is borrowed. The loan is not available for Independent Study, job interviewing, or debt payments. Students can apply for a short-term loan by logging in to myBYU and, under campus links, clicking School > My Financial Center > My Accounts > BYU Short Term Loan.
Federal Programs
Federal Pell Grant
A Federal Pell Grant is awarded by the U.S. Department of Education based on financial need. A Pell Grant is not a loan and does not have to be repaid. Only undergraduate students who have not already earned a bachelor's degree are eligible for a Pell Grant. (Students who pay graduate tuition are not eligible.) Pell Grant payments are disbursed one semester at a time and are prorated based on eligible hours for which a student is enrolled (spring and summer term hours are combined).
12.0 or more semester hours equal a full-time payment.
9.0–11.5 semester hours equal a three-quarter-time payment.
6.0–8.5 semester hours equal a half-time payment.
Fewer than 6.0 semester hours equal a less-than-half-time payment.
In determining eligible hours for federal aid, please note that:
Audit hours, hours through Special Courses and Conferences, and hours obtained by challenge exams may not be used.
Salt Lake Center, Study Abroad, and Jerusalem Center classes, etc., may be used only during the term or semester for which the student is admitted to BYU day school.
Classes taken for a third time at BYU may not be used.
William D. Ford Direct Loan Program
Direct Loans are available to undergraduate and graduate students. Students must meet the eligibility requirements described previously. Undergraduate students must be enrolled in at least 6.0 credit hours per semester or term; graduate students, at least 4.5 credit hours per semester or term. Audit hours, hours through Special Courses and Conferences, and hours obtained by challenging classes may not be used in determining hours. Repayment begins six months after a student graduates, drops below half-time enrollment, or discontinues from the university.
The Direct Loan Program offers the following types of loans:
Subsidized—based on financial need as determined by a student's EFC. The government pays the interest on the loan while the student is enrolled in school at least half-time, during the grace period, and during deferment periods. Subsidized loans are not available to graduate students.
Unsubsidized—not based on financial need and interest begins to accrue once the loan is disbursed. Students who receive subsidized loans may also receive unsubsidized loans. Students may choose to make interest payments while they are in school or during deferment/grace periods.
Parent PLUS—for parents of dependent students. Like the unsubsidized loan, interest begins to accrue once the loan is disbursed. PLUS Loans go into repayment 60 days after the loan is fully disbursed, unless a deferment is approved. Parents may borrow up to the student's Cost of Attendance minus any financial aid received by the student. A credit check is done and the loan is generally approved unless there is an adverse credit history. For students whose parents are denied a PLUS loan, an additional unsubsidized loan may be approved.
GradPLUS—for graduate and professional students. Like the Parent PLUS, interest begins to accrue once the loan is disbursed. An in-school deferment is automatically applied to GradPLUS loans, which includes a six-month grace period after the student drops below half-time enrollment (we encourage students to confirm this with their loan servicers). Students may borrow up to the Cost of Attendance minus any other aid they receive. A credit check is made, and if there is no adverse credit history, the loan is generally approved.
To avoid the burden of excessive debt, students should consider other forms of financial aid such as grants, scholarships, part-time employment, savings, and family assistance. Students should also contact their state educational agency to apply for state grants and other state aid that may be available. High school counselors and employers may also provide information regarding other sources of financial aid.
Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP)
Federal regulations require schools to establish, publish, and apply reasonable standards for determining whether a student receiving federal financial aid is maintaining satisfactory academic progress in his or her course of study. Satisfactory Academic Progress is measured using qualitative and quantitative standards as follows:
Undergraduate Students
Qualitative Standard
Maintain a cumulative GPA of 2.0 or higher (includes transfer credits).
Quantitative Standards
Pace (Rate of Progress): Students must successfully complete at least 66.67% of all credits attempted. Rate of progress is determined by dividing the total number of earned hours by the total number of attempted hours.
Earned hours include letter grades A, B, C, D, and P.
Attempted hours include earned hours and all non-progress hours, E, I, IE, UW, W, WE, and T, as well as repeated hours, transfer credit, AP and IB credit, foreign language examination credit and other examination credit.
For transfer students, W's, E's, IE's, and UW's from the transfer institution are excluded when calculating rate of progress.
Maximum Time Frame (Attempted Hours): Federal regulations allow for a student to attempt 150% of the number of credit hours required for graduation. The majority of BYU undergraduate degree programs require 120.0 hours. This allows a maximum time frame of 180.0 attempted credit hours as defined above. For students in majors requiring more than 120.0 hours, the maximum attempted hours will be adjusted to 150% of the number of hours needed for graduation.
The following adjustments to the maximum attempted credit hour limit will also be made automatically by the Financial Aid Office:
Exclude transfer credits and/or AP/IB credits which do not satisfy university core or major/minor course requirements.
Increase the maximum attempted credit hour limit to include hours required for one additional major, excluding hours which fulfill other BYU graduation requirements.
Graduate Students
Qualitative standard based on assessment by Graduate Studies Office.
Graduate programs evaluate students' progress as "satisfactory," "marginal," or "unsatisfactory." Only students with a "satisfactory" or "marginal" designation meet SAP.
Students must maintain a cumulative GPA of 3.0 or higher.
Quantitative standard of maximum time frame defined by program of study.
Master's and Doctoral candidates must complete their degree within 150% of the number of credit hours required for their program of study. The majority of BYU Master's programs require 30 hours, while Doctorate programs require 45 hours.
Review of SAP
SAP components are evaluated at the end of each term when grades post to determine future eligibility.
Students who "pass" this review meet SAP and will be eligible for federal financial aid for the next term in which they enroll.
Students who fail to meet the SAP review are allowed one term on "warning" in which they are allowed to receive federal financial aid and work to improve their academic record in hopes of meeting the SAP standards again.
Students who successfully complete the "warning" term and improve their record to "pass" the SAP review will be eligible for federal financial aid for the next term in which they enroll.
Students who "fail" the SAP review at the end of the warning term do not meet SAP and will not be eligible for federal financial aid for the subsequent term(s) in which they do not meet the SAP standards. Students will be notified of their failed SAP status by the Financial Aid Office via YMessage.
If GPA, Pace, and overall assessment (graduate students only) later improve above the minimum requirements, SAP may be rehabilitated. Students once again become eligible for aid in future enrollments if they meet all other requirements.
Petition for Override of SAP
In rare circumstances, a student who has extenuating reasons for not meeting SAP may meet with his or her Enrollment Services Counselor to determine if a financial aid probation period is appropriate.
Important Tax Information
Under the Tax Reform Act of 1986, only scholarship, fellowship, benefit, and grant amounts used for tuition, fees, books, supplies, and equipment required for courses of instruction are excluded from the recipient's gross income. Any of these funds used for other expenses, such as room and board, must be included in income. If funds are received from any of these sources, a detailed record should be kept of all expenditures for tuition, fees, books, and required equipment and supplies. For more detailed information, consult a personal tax advisor.
Exception to University Financial Aid Policy
Students desiring an exception to University Financial Aid Policy must meet with their Enrollment Services counselor to discuss their situation. Students may call 801-422-4104 to schedule an appointment.
Additional Information Regarding Financial Aid
Students with questions regarding financial aid at Brigham Young University are invited to visit: http://financialaid.byu.edu.
Estimated College Expenses
On entering the university, students are responsible for making arrangements to cover enrollment expenses and should have sufficient funds on hand for at least the first semester.
For estimated costs, please see the Financial Aid website: http://financialaid.byu.edu/cost-of-attendance.