NURS 341

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Nursing Care of Adults with Acute and Chronic Illnesses

Nursing College of Nursing

Course Description

Theory and content in the nursing care of acutely and chronically ill adults; professional behavior; illness implications for patients and families.

When Taught

Fall and Winter









Other Prerequisites

Courses in Nursing Semester 2.


Exemplify life-long learning

Learning Outcome

Use a textbook and electronic resources including Up-to-date and Decision-Based-Learning to obtain evidence-based knowledge related to patient care and explain how to continue using these resources after completing the course.


Integrate the Gospel of Jesus Christ as part of caring

Learning Outcome

Explain what it means to practice the Healer’s Art.


Integrate the Gospel of Jesus Christ as part of caring

Learning Outcome

Set and evaluate goals for incorporating the gospel of Jesus Christ into your nursing care.


Integrate the Gospel of Jesus Christ as part of caring

Learning Outcome

Articulate how to effectively seek inspiration and the guidance of the Holy Ghost while learning about adults with illness and planning their care.


Integrate the Gospel of Jesus Christ as part of caring

Learning Outcome

Explain how to address the spiritual needs of clients and formulate an appropriate spiritually sensitive plan of care.


Integrate the Gospel of Jesus Christ as part of caring

Learning Outcome

Speak and write respectfully about patients’ religious beliefs.


Design appropriate professional nursing care for individuals with illness and their significant others

Learning Outcome

Explain the meaning and implications of acute and chronic illness for patients and their significant others.


Design appropriate professional nursing care for individuals with illness and their significant others

Learning Outcome

Correclty identify pathophysiology, diagnostic procedures, focused assessment, fundamental nursing care (nutrition, activity, hygiene, psychosocial, spiritual), priority physiological problems, monitoring of laboratory tests, other monitoring, medications, and other essential interventions for common acute and chronic illnesses.


Design appropriate professional nursing care for individuals with illness and their significant others

Learning Outcome

Explain how to appropriately manage rapidly changing patient situations to save life and limb.


Design appropriate professional nursing care for individuals with illness and their significant others

Learning Outcome

Identify when patients require other professional care such as physical therapy and occupational therapy and how to support the work of these professionals.


Design appropriate professional nursing care for individuals with illness and their significant others

Learning Outcome

Demonstrate mastery of common laboratory tests by showing the ability to identify when a lab value is high, low, or normal, what this result means for the safety of the patient, and what the nurse should do about it.


Demonstrate effective critical thinking, clinical judgment, and communication

Learning Outcome

Communicate effective critical thinking and clinical judgment in classroom activities and in written case studies.


Demonstrate effective critical thinking, clinical judgment, and communication

Learning Outcome

Demonstrate ability to think critically about the material discussed in class to correctly answer NCLEX-style high-level questions on exams.