Department Information:
345 West North Temple Street, 3 Triad Center, Suite 300, Salt Lake City, UT 84180-1203
The BYU Salt Lake Center is operated by the Division of Continuing Education and offers 150+ undergraduate courses each semester to admitted and non-admitted students. Courses are offered during the day and evening to accommodate more than 2,000 students each semester. Conveniently located near Temple Square and other popular destinations, the Salt Lake Center can be reached by public transportation and offers free student parking. Class schedules are listed at slc.byu.edu and in the BYU class schedule. Admitted students can register for classes in MyMAP without any further clearance.
Students not admitted to BYU may take classes at the Salt Lake Center through the BYU FlexGE program if they earn a high school diploma (or equivalent), have a 2.0 GPA, obtain an ecclesiastical endorsement, and are citizens of the U.S.A. Most FlexGE students apply to BYU or another university as transfer applicants after one or two semesters in the program.
Students admitted to BYU's Bachelor of General Studies program may complete university core (religion and general education) and required emphasis courses at the Salt Lake Center without further clearance. For admission and program details see the Bachelor of General Studies section in this catalog.
The BYU Marriott School of Management EMBA (Executive Master of Business Administration) and EMPA (Executive Master of Public Administration) programs are also offered at the Salt Lake Center. Evening and weekend scheduling enables these graduate students to earn a master’s degree while also working full-time. For admission and program details, see the Graduate Studies Catalog.