Department Information:
303 HCEB
801-422-9038 (Univ), 801-422-3985 (HS)
Academic Product Managers: Dustin Jones (Univ) and John Bushman (HS)
BYU Independent Study is an affordable distance education providing ideal solutions for a variety of situations. With flexible course options, students can get the university credits they need, no matter where they are in the world. There are no admissions applications or requirements to take an Independent Study course and students can begin their course any day or time. Students have 12 months to complete their course and the college credit earned is transferable to most U.S. colleges and universities. Scholarships are available to students taking Independent Study Courses.
Through Independent Study, BYU offers more than 200 undergraduate online courses, providing a practical and flexible solution for students to acquire university credit. Independent Study courses can be used to complete general education courses, prerequisite courses for graduate school, and higher-level courses to fulfill undergraduate majors. Flexible Independent Study courses assist domestic and international students, working students, armed forces personnel, teachers, and others who may need courses that accommodate their individual schedules. The courses are available online and require Internet access. Students have the option to purchase a printed course readings packet.
BYU Independent Study also supports the following programs that help students anywhere in the world achieve their academic goals:
Students can register for an Independent Study course at any time during the year and have up to one year to complete most courses, although most courses are based on a semester's worth of credit. The online catalog is accessible at the BYU Independent Study website or a printed version of the catalog is also available without charge from the Department of Independent Study and will be mailed free of charge. Printed catalogs can be found in the Harman Continuing Education Building on the first-floor entrance and second-floor atrium. A complete list of available courses, the current tuition and fees, and enrollment policies and procedures are found in the online and printed versions of the catalog.
Former students wanting to complete their BYU degree can take Independent Study courses to fulfill the course/credit requirements of the Bachelors of General Studies (BGS) program.
Students currently not admitted to BYU can take BYU courses online as part of the FlexGE @BYU program to complete general education requirements at their own pace while immersing themselves in the other events and social life BYU offers. Up to 36 semester hours of work completed through BYU Independent Study can be applied toward a BYU bachelor's degree.
The new BYU Online High School is a full-time, diploma-granting private high school serving students worldwide. Students in grades 9-12 enjoy the fun and flexibility that learning online offers while meeting their unique educational needs. BYU Independent Study offers more than 200 high school-level courses and 40 middle school courses.
In addition, BYU Independent Study offers a few community education courses available for personal development and enrichment.