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General Studies: English (BGS)

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English Bachelors BGS

Minimum Credit Hours


Maximum Credit Hours



BGS Learning Outcomes - Aims of a BYU Education

Learning Outcome

Reflect on and describe how their coursework in the BGS program has contributed to the aims of a BYU education: - Spiritually strengthening - Character building - Intellectually enlarging - Preparing for lifelong learning and service.


Interpretive and Communicative Skills

Learning Outcome

English BGS graduates will develop and demonstrate critical reading strategies professional writing expertise and sophisticated analytical skills.


Interpretive and Communicative Ethics

Learning Outcome

English graduates will embrace literature as a source of wisdom spiritual insight and aesthetic pleasure; as a medium for encountering and reflecting upon the diversity of human experience; and as a guide for building relationships and discerning value.


Interpretive and Communicative Contexts

Learning Outcome

English graduates will explore the development of literary traditions and genres as well as become familiar with the critical methodologies and scholarly conversations in the discipline; they will engage with these contexts in their written oral and visual work.

Program Requirements

Have 27 hours of campus residency.

Complete a minimum of 10 hours in the emphasis after formal admission to the BGS program.

Thirty of the 120 hours including 15 hours in the emphasis must be 300-level or above courses.

Students must earn a minimum 2.0 BYU grade point average, a minimum 2.0 cumulative grade point average, and a minimum 2.0 emphasis grade point average.

The program must be completed in eight years or less.

All emphasis courses taken after admission to BGS must be BYU courses.

Requirement 1 —Complete 1 Course

Prerequisite course (must be completed before taking any other courses, includes preparing academic plan which must be approved before proceeding):

course - Essential College Skills 1.0

Requirement 2 —Complete 3 Requirements

Core courses:

Requirement 2.1 —Complete 1 Course

ENGL 251 - Intro to English Studies - This course is no longer available for registration and will count only if you completed it while it was offered. Please see your college advisement center for possible substitutions. 3.0

Requirement 2.2 —Complete 2 of 3 Courses

course - British Literary History 1 3.0

course - British Literary History 2 3.0

course - American Literary History 3.0

Requirement 2.3 —Complete 1 of 2 Courses

course - Persuasive Writing 3.0

course - Technical Communication 3.0

Requirement 3 —Complete 15 hours

Elective courses:

Option 3.1 —Complete up to 15 hours

BYU 300- and 400-level campus courses (including Salt Lake Center classes) in English may also be used to fill emphasis electives. Only one additional general education Advanced Written and Oral Communication course (Engl 311, 312, 313, 314, 315, or 316) may be used to satisfy emphasis requirements.

ELANG 322 - Modern American Usage 3.0

course - Creative Writing 3.0

course - Writing Creative Nonfiction - You may take once 3.0

course - Writing Poetry - You may take once 3.0

course - Writing for Child & Adolescent - You may take once 3.0

ENGL 336 - The American Novel - This course is no longer available for registration and will count only if you completed it while it was offered. Please see your college advisement center for possible substitutions. 3.0

ENGL 361 - American Lit 1800 - 1865 - This course is no longer available for registration and will count only if you completed it while it was offered. Please see your college advisement center for possible substitutions. 3.0

ENGL 362 - American Lit 1865 - 1914 - This course is no longer available for registration and will count only if you completed it while it was offered. Please see your college advisement center for possible substitutions. 3.0

ENGL 363 - American Lit 1914-1960 - This course is no longer available for registration and will count only if you completed it while it was offered. Please see your college advisement center for possible substitutions. 3.0

ENGL 366 - Studies in Poetry - This course is no longer available for registration and will count only if you completed it while it was offered. Please see your college advisement center for possible substitutions. 3.0

ENGL 374 - British Lit 1789 - 1832 - This course is no longer available for registration and will count only if you completed it while it was offered. Please see your college advisement center for possible substitutions. 3.0

ENGL 382 - Shakespeare - This course is no longer available for registration and will count only if you completed it while it was offered. Please see your college advisement center for possible substitutions. 3.0

ENGL 385 - British Lit 1603 - 1660 - This course is no longer available for registration and will count only if you completed it while it was offered. Please see your college advisement center for possible substitutions. 3.0

course - Studies in Literature - You may take once 3.0

course - Young Adult Literature 3.0

Option 3.2 —Complete up to 15 hours

Study List Classes -

Requirement 4 —Complete 1 Course

As the last course in the emphasis, (section 101):

course - Senior Capstone 3.0

Requirement 5 —Complete 1 Course

Complete a capstone experience (last course to be completed):

course - BGS Capstone 2.0